Tuesday, September 27, 2011


volunteeringpresent participle of vol·un·teer (Verb)

1. Freely offer to do something.
2. Offer (help) in such a way

OK, so I may not be the most kind, generous, or helpful person in the world, but I know that there's something inside me that wants to help and reach out.

Volunteering for me is something that I could do to help other people in small ways that would create a big difference for them. Even before I have seen people who were doing volunteer work for charities and non-profit organisations. In Sydney, it is very common to see volunteers along the streets wearing their Unicef, Red Cross, or World Food Programme shirts asking for donations, and I should say that I was thrilled by the thought of myself doing something like that. At first I thought that instead of doing nothing in the house (I practically don't study everytime I'm not doing anything), why don't I volunteer? I went online and researched about volunteer jobs for Unicef and Red Cross, I have signed up and queued for volunteer spots in these respective organisations. However, everytime that they send me an email to help in some activities and events, either it was my exam time or I have a class on the specified date. So I  never really got to do any volunteer work. (What a shame!)

And then suddenly, during my second-year first semester, I had to take a unit which is about community involvement thru volunteering. (Yey!). In this specific unit, I had to complete 105 hours of unpaid volunteer work at a not-for-profit organisation. I admit it was hard to find an organisation that could instantly give you 105 hours of volunteer work for a semester, but I was really happy to take this unit because, finally, I got my chance to do a volunteer work!

So now, I am currently doing volunteer jobs at the following:



Doing volunteer work for these two (2) organisations is such a delight because they both have good intentions, good people, and good activities which makes me feel like I am being useful in the community.

I hope that when I get to finish all of the 105 hours, I could say to myself that "Doing an unpaid job for helping others is not a bad idea at all!"

PS: for people who want to do the same, please feel free to call your local council volunteer coordinator. They will be more than happy to help you.

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